Violent Skies

inactive tour company
Violent skies claims to be the largest tornado chasing company offering storm chasing vacations in Tornado Alley and they are constantly looking at new ways to keep their storm chasing tours fresh and exciting.

Contact information (possibly obsolete)
No phone number available



Lead Vehicle
Lead Vehicle

The van come equipped with extra lighting and air conditioner vents for maximum comfort.


Comfort seats with air-condition. It has also a van-to-van communication system that allows the second van to receive audio and video broadcast from the lead van.

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Reviews of Violent Skies

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Unvalidated reviews of Violent Skies

The reviews in this section has not been validated. This means that no evidence has been shown that the person actually was on the tour. Read them with a healthy dose of skepticism.

- This review has not been validated -

Name: Thomas Jagger
Tour: Tour is not registered
Year: 2008

General review

Tour never happened Brian Barnes was running Violent Skies Tours. He ran out of money. I paid for a 14 day (two week lecture) tour, but was never paid back. He still owes me 4260 dollars. If I was paid for the trip I would give him a 10 as one of the best storm chasers, but sadly I cannot. I hope he does better in his new venture, but I doubt he will own up to his debt.
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