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High Plains Tours

High Plains Tours, LLC provides guided storm chase tours each spring through Tornado Alley. Safety is our number one priority when chasing storms, and High Plains Tours staff will lead you to the storms- without getting too close! We will teach you how to safely navigate severe weather and how to plan ahead for rapidly changing conditions. We will help you learn the meteorology necessary to predict when and where storms will form. We will lead the way, and you follow in your own vehicle. We will explain the meteorology in layman’s terms and demonstrate safe storm chase technique. These tours will help make you a safe, competent and responsible storm chaser.

Price: $3500

Price type: Per tour and person

Tour guide feed included in price: Yes

Vehicle included in price: Yes

Gas included in price: Yes

Hotel included in prices: Yes

Special terms:

Tour guide: Seth Price

Vehicle: No information available

Departure city: No information available

Read more and book the tour here

1 Response
  1. Carl Fielstra

    Hello, I’m looking to book with you and want to know when it’s a good time to book? What works best for you to have an extra person on board and what month is the best?

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