Special Tours: Private, media & custom storm chasing tours

This is a listing of tour companies and private storm chasers that offer private storm chasing tours or other type of storm chasing tours that does not fit into the category of “scheduled group tours for everyone”. This kind of private tours are often offered to people that want a highly personalized storm chasing tour and to media. The tours are typically highly customizable on when you want to go, where you want to chase and how long you want the tour to be.

Private tours are typically more expensive than group tours but some offer discounts if you book several days in a row. Check out the website of each tour company in order to find out about these discounts. The prices given below are the standard prices.

Private tours, like these ones, are difficult to compare since the tours differ quite a lot in terms of what is included in the price. Some include vehicle and fuel costs, some don’t. Tours over a few days could, or could not, include hotel prices. Make sure you check their websites in order to determine if one tour really can be compared to the other. 

Special/private tours

TourTour OperatorPrice per day (USD)
Ride alongHigh Plains Tours $3500 per tour and person
Follow the leaderHigh Plains Tours $3000 per tour but not person Use your own vehicle
5 day packageViper Tours $4500 per tour and person
One day tours to 14-day toursThunderbolt Tours (Australia) $400 per day and person In Australia?
Tornado Alley ChasingTornado Alley Chasing $100 per day and person tornadoalleychasing.com
5 day private tour(s)StormChaserTours.com $5499 per tour and person

On-call Day Tours

On-call day tours are tours of which you just chase for one day, and it is usually on on-call basis where you await a day with great potential for severe storms. One or two days in advance you are noticed and need to make it to the departure city. Special rules apply for each tour company but often you may have to stay one night in a hotel if you are chasing storms far away from the departure city.

Tour companyPrice per day (USD)Comment
Tornadic Expeditions325
Silver Lining Tours300
Tempest Tours300
Windswept Chase Tours300


2 Responses
  1. Robert Prescott

    was reading articles on storm chasers and it seems the chasers use or have used the Delorme Street Atlas 2015 Plus. Was wondering if a copy is around that I could buy or maybe a copy of it from one of the Chasers.
    Robert Prescott

    1. StormChasingUSA.com

      Robert, I have never heard of this to be honest. All chasers I know use GPS, sometimes with Google Maps or the likes of it. If you want to buy something from a chaser I suggest you checking in on StormTrack.org.

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