Deals and discounts on storm chasing trips and tours

Most storm chasing tour companies offer standard discounts on every tour, usually for things as shared rooms etc. On this page, however, you will find tours that are temporarily discounted and other deals. It could be for early sign-ups, last minute deals or similar.

Outside of the normal discounts from each tour operator, these are a few time-limited deals offered by the different tour operators.


Discounts offered for different storm chasing tours

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Cheapest tours by total tour price

If you are looking to go on a tour and if price is most important to you, this list shows the cheapest tours out there

Tours in 2025

Tour OperatorTour NamePrice
1Tornado AdventuresTornado Adventure III etc.$1999.99
2Extreme Chase ToursEarly Bird Tour 1 etc.$2300
3Tornadic ExpeditionsTour 2B - Early May Shorty - 5 Days$2350
4Tornadic ExpeditionsTour 4C - Mid May Shorty - 5 Days$2450
5StormChasingTour.comTour #4 etc.$2499
6StormGroup ChasersTour One etc.$2500
8Tornadic ExpeditionsTour 6 - Upslope Supercells - 6 Days$2700
9Tempest ToursTOUR 8 - TWISTED TWISTER TOUR etc.$2740
10Tornadic ExpeditionsTour 1 - Epic April - 7 Days$2750

Cheapest tours by tour price per day

If you are looking to get the most tour days for your money, this list will show you which tours are the cheapest in terms of price per chase day.

Tours in 2025

Tour OperatorTour NamePrice / day
1Tornado AdventuresTornado Adventure V$286
2Extreme Chase ToursGreat Plains Tour 1$298
3StormChasingTour.comTour #3$334
4StormGroup ChasersTour Five etc.$350
5StormGroup ChasersTour One etc.$358
6Extreme Chase ToursMayhem Tour 4$363
7Tornadic ExpeditionsTour 7A - Violent Skies - 10 Days$375
9Extreme Chase ToursEarly Bird Tour 1 etc.$384
10Tempest ToursTOUR 3 - TORNADO BLISS TOUR etc.$390

6 Responses
    1. is not a tour company itself but rather a comparison service. Chasing storms means you chase wherever the storms are, sometimes they are in Kansas, sometimes in other states. If you specifically, and only, want to chase in Kansas I suggest you have a look at day-tours.


    hello sir/madam,
    We are a chinese independent documentary team, ON THE ROAD TEAM. We are so interested in storm chasing, but our filming is scheduled for October and November, We’d like to consult you about the season, if it is possible to film in winter?


      There are storms all year around but April until June are the best. There is a second storm chasing season in the fall that could line well with October but I have never chased this second season as it is not nearly as reliable as the spring. In other words, you can find storms in October/November but they will be far apart and maybe not as powerful as in the spring, unless you get really lucky.


      That would be reasonable information to add in the future, but for now you will have to check their website. Sorry.

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