2020 season cancelled

My storm chasing vacation of 2020 is cancelled – and it is painful

In the advert of the Covid-19 outbreak I was still expecting to chase (albeit with some difficulties) but ever since the US closed the borders for travelers from Europe in March, I have known that the chances for me chasing this year has been slim. The borders were, at first, closed for 30 days but...
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corona virus storm chasing

How will the Corona virus (COVID-19) affect the storm chasing tours in 2020?

There is not much needed to say about the Corona virus as I am sure you are quite well informed about the health situation. The effects of this pandemic are obviously vast and it affects (most importantly) the health of people, the World economy but also storm chasing. Most chasers are US based and may...
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gregg potter f5 tornado safaris

Interview with Gregg Potter – owner of F5! Tornado Safaris

Who is Gregg Potter? I was born in Cleveland, OH and moved to Castle Rock, CO when I was 6 years old. With storms blowing up along the front range of the Rockies, I got my love for the weather and storms at a young age. I knew I’d be a Meteorologist by the time...
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sds storm deprivation syndrome

SDS – Storm Deprivation Syndrome

Storm Deprivation Syndrome (abbreviated SDS) is a anxiety syndrom that mainly affects storm chasers when there are no storms to chase for an extended period of time – typically in the off-season. Prevalence SDS is very rare in the general population but is greatly prevalent among the demographic group of so called storm chasers –...
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epic storm chasing music

Storm chasing music: My “Getting Charged Up to Chase” playlist

Music is a big part of my life and I have some sort of music on during much of the hours I am awake. I use music to accompany my mood or use it to change or enhance my mood. When it comes to storm chasing I usually travel with others and we usually go...
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relaxing storms video

Relaxing and soothing videos of storms and tornadoes

At home, we have a Samsung “The Frame” TV. You know, one of those that you can put in “Art mode” and it looks like a painting. We don’t have it connected to the normal cable but internet only. As such, we only watch streamed content on YouTube or Netflix. Most of the time, we...
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roger hill and caryn hill

Interview with Roger Hill of Silver Lining Tours

I continue with last year’s endeavour to interview tour company owners and tour guides from different storm chasing tour companies. Today, the interview is with Roger Hill, the owner and tour guide for Silver Lining Tours. He does not only run the biggest tour company in town, he is also the Guiness’ Book of Records World...
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extreme tornado tours booked

Chasing with Extreme Tornado Tours in 2020

I am very happy right now. I have just finalized my registration and bought a plane ticket to OKC in order to chase with Extreme Tornado Tours this season. For a long while it seemed like it would not be possible as I have a two year old son and a 3 month old daughter...
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wall with storm photos

Printing and framing my storm photos – help me decide!

Last year I finally came to print my first storm photo. It was my shot of the first tornado on the Dodge City, 2016, outbreak. It was one of my most significant photos as it was my best chase day, one of my best photos and it also included a few storm chasers in the...
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close call leoti ks weather nation

What is our responsibility when we share close-call tornado videos on social media?

It is difficult not to have a double-sided attitude towards social media nowadays. At its best, it is a fun and excellent source of information, the perfect way to quickly get crucial information, and to keep in touch with friends, acquaintances and like-minded all over the world.  At its worst, social media can be used to easily spread...
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