
Learning the basics about (tornadic) storm forecasting

In my last blog post I discussed learning the basics about storm analysis and the basics about storm chasing. I promised to continue with some basic forecasting understanding after I picked a thing or two about it. I am nowhere near done learning but I thought I’d share what I learned so far. These instructions...
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Learning the basics about storm chasing

This week I have done a LOT of studying to really make an effort of understanding “everything”. I have been studying storms and forecasting all throughout the web. As I mentioned earlier, I have gone through Mike Hollingshead’s excellent “Storm analysis 101” videos from which I learned a lot. Most of the online resources for...
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Hail storm in Dubai

As I just mentioned in my previous post, I just came back from Dubai this Monday. I asked my friend in Dubai if they ever have any thunderstorms there. He mentioned that there were some occasionally. Basically the weather is hot, very hot, extremely hot and hot. Since Dubai is in the desert (albeit by...
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Storm analysis 101 video review

The storm chasing season feels really far away, especially here in Sweden. While visiting a friend in Dubai we took a road trip during which I read Tim Vasquez excellent “Storm Chasing Handbook” on my iPad (to be reviewed later). The heat and the humidity really gave me the same physical sensation as in my...
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This season’s chase booked!

I am continuing my quest to try each storm chasing tour company on the market and this season I will be going with Extreme chase tours  on their Tour #4 in last week of May. I am really looking forward to be able to chase this season again and to be chasing with Lanny Dean....
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Short interview with storm chasing legend Charles Doswell

I had the privilege of getting ahold of storm chasing legend Charles “Chuck” Doswell. He was one of the first scientific storm chasers and was chasing back in the 70’s when no man in the right sense would dare going after a tornado! As a respected meteorologist he has produced over 100 publications and is,...
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Where lightning strikes earth

I found this map on Wikipedia (Wikipedia Commons) showing the density of lightning strikes all over the world, i.e. where most lightning strikes occur throughout the world. Anyone up for some storm chasing in Congo?
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Hail – how it looks inside

I was out on a chase in 2009 and it was one of those days when the setup was just perfect for severe storms. But, just as it quite often is when the setup is perfect, the anticipation is through the roof and there are thousands of cars on the roads. There are also so...
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My best lightning shots

It was not until my third storm chasing tour where I bought a tripod in order to be able to take some lightning shots. I bought it at WalMart for about $15 and it was among the cheapest ones but it did the trick. Using the BULB feature on my Canon I was able to...
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Why you need to bring your iPhone on your storm chasing trip

Yesterday I brought up a fun way to play with your iPhone panorama functionality but the panorama functionality is really useful for your storm photos as well. I assume there is a similar functionality on Android as well but I don’t know (I only have an iPhone). I learned about panorama shooting from Mike Ricciardi...
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