rainbow wheat

Day 8: Rainbow chasing in Oklahoma

For the first time in ages I woke up after a good nights sleep. I had a large breakfast and brought up my laptop in order to catch up on some work. After such an amazing week I was way behind on photo editing, video editing and normal work so it was great to get...
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Day 7: Moderate Risk Day semi-bust

I woke up feeling really tired but excited about the day. Almost everything was pointing towards a big day with several big tornadoes. The SPC was predicting an 80% chance of tornadoes and 60% chance of strong tornadoes rated EF2 or higher. The area we targeted had a 15% hatched risk which is the highest...
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Day 6: Painful bust in Kansas

Today started as a marginal risk day and I was so satisfied with the amazing day in Dodge City yesterday I did not really care too much what happened. It felt like nothing could go wrong today but I was wrong. Our first plan was to position ourselves in McPherson, KS, but later changed a...
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Day 5: Dodge City, KS. The Perfect Storm.

As of the morning on Day 5 I had seen 13 tornadoes in total. I was about to double that number today. Day 5 was an epic storm chase day and many seasoned storm chasers have mentioned this was their best day ever. I was fortunate enough to experience the Dodge City-tornado outbreak of 2016....
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dying storm jericho texas

Day 4: Beautiful supercells but no tornadoes

Today looked really well with CAPE-values of 6.000. The problem was that there were three targets to choose from: Big Spring, TX (where I saw a landspout tornado in 2014), Woodward, OK and Donley, TX. We chose Donley since there was a big flood risk in Big Spring and Woodward did not look as good...
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lightning plaska texas

Day 3: Tornadoes, lightning and flooding in Texas

Yesterday was an amazing chase day but the setup for Day 3 was looking even better! Our target area was the dryline in the eastern panhandle of Texas where we ended up in the early afternoon. The bases of the storms, however, looked ragged and dry while storms an hour to our east were showing...
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tornado 2 leoti, ks

Day 2: Extremely close to a tornado

One of the most common questions people ask me when I tell them I chase storms is: “How close have you been to a tornado?”. Up until now, my answer has been “I have been underneath one“, but I think I need to update that answer after Saturday’s events. Day 2 was our first real...
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twister pinball machine

Day 1: Down day with a lot of “Twister”

My alarm clock rang at 03.30 a.m. in my apartment in Malmö and I left tired but excited. Had a stop in Düsseldorf and then took an ancient AA plane to Chicago where I bounced on to Oklahoma City. I spent half the flight with head ache and nausea so it was not too pleasant...
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Why do I chase storms?

The three most common questions I get when I tell people I chase storms are: Isn’t it dangerous?, How? and Why? The first one I usually respond with: “Yes, a little bit but not much more dangerous than skiing”. The second, How?, I usually explain like in my previous blog post. The last one, the...
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How do I chase storms?

One of the most common questions I get regarding storm chasing is How I actually chase them. People may ask if I go to a specific place, if I plan my flights from Sweden according to the weather or if I just drive around and look. Neither is correct but the confusion is quite understandable...
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