Yesterday I tried to pull an April Fools-joke on my Twitter-followers hoping the Storm Chasing-community would be amused.
Basically, what I did was to copy the hook echo created on the day of the Joplin-tornado, which is an obvious tornado echo with the debris ball and everything. I also took a screen dump of the Washington D.C.-area. I had to do some photoshopping to cut out the names of the map while removing map names from the Joplin-echo.
After that I merged the two images and put it back in the screen dump of my RadarPro image. I am quite satisfied with how real it looked, although quite unbelieveable.
Been following this storm on RadarPro close to DC. I’m no expert but it looks bad! Anyone on it? #isthewhitehouseok
— (@StormChasingUSA) April 1, 2016
Edit: Later realized this was not a good type of April fools since tweets could end up out of context and would cause people to get scared. My intention was just to prank the storm chasing community who I expected to realize how absurd it was and easily be able to verify its invalidity.